However, it is recommended that if you only have to carry a drawstring bag for a short walk through the streets, and drawstring bags. They are more compact and have the right number of pockets to put all the accessories for your trip. They are specially designed for this process, in the end.
Belt drawstring bag usually come with a pocket or two, where the user can put the things you need and easy access external pockets where things can be stored. If you always want to keep hanging on the back, all you have to do to get access to it to balance on the head to get your things. Backpacks, however, you’ll have to maneuver a drawstring bag in front of you
Security drawstring bags again, winning this round. You can easily set up around your forehead, where you can still see, to guard against pickpockets. Backpacks, on the other hand, are not so sure, because you can not see, if you do not stand in front of you in your place, which is not really convenient.
Conclusion In conclusion, as the drawstring bags have their share of good and bad points to them. Without a doubt, make the duration of your trip is a determining factor when choosing which one is better, what you are doing. Drawstring bag will probably work for short trips, while long-distance travel may require the use of backpacks. Better yet, just put the two.